Brandon Ingram to Miss Minimum of 2 Weeks Due to Left Knee Contusion

    ‣ New Orleans Pelicans forward Brandon Ingram suffered a bone contusion in his left knee and is expected to miss at least two weeks, following an incident during a game against the Orlando Magic.
    ‣ Ingram’s injury came after his knee bent at an awkward angle when defending Jalen Suggs, leading to immediate pain and his subsequent exit from the game. His MRI results, however, came back clean.
    ‣ Despite the injury, there’s a possibility for Ingram to return to the court before the start of the NBA playoffs on April 20, as most bone bruises heal within 2-4 weeks, according to the Mayo Clinic.


Brandon Ingram, the forward for the New Orleans Pelicans, has hit a bit of a snag. He’s got a bone contusion in his left knee. Shams Charania of The Athletic and Stadium broke the news, saying Ingram’s looking at a minimum two-week bench stint. Ouch.

The incident went down during a face-off against the Orlando Magic last Thursday night. The Pelicans didn’t have the best of nights, ending in a 121-106 loss. Ingram was on Jalen Suggs like white on rice, right up until Suggs made a beeline for the basket. And that’s when things went south.

Ingram’s knee did this weird twisty thing – not a good look. He ended up crashing to the ground, clearly in a world of hurt. It was all hands on deck as teammates and the training staff rushed to his aid, helping him off the court. Thankfully, his MRI results the next morning didn’t show anything too sinister.

Shams Charania took to Twitter, sharing, “Pelicans’ Brandon Ingram has suffered a bone contusion in his left knee. Fortunate diagnosis for New Orleans and its star forward avoiding serious injury, but Ingram is expected to miss at least two weeks.” That tweet was like a mini rollercoaster of emotions.

Ingram’s on the mend now, with a re-evaluation penciled in for two weeks from the incident. If all goes well, he could be back on the court just in time for the NBA playoffs starting April 20. Fingers crossed, right? The Mayo Clinic reckons bone bruises take about 2-4 weeks to heal up.

Now, let’s talk odds. According to several NBA betting sites, the Pelicans are sitting pretty in 15th place for championship odds. But, the Denver Nuggets and Los Angeles Clippers are the ones to watch, apparently.

Switching gears, did you catch Ingram’s performance against the Toronto Raptors? Man, was he on fire, scoring a season-high 41 points. That game was something else, with the Pelicans cruising to a 138-100 victory.

And there’s this tweet from the NBA that’s just pure gold: “BRANDON INGRAM JUST HIT 5 3-POINTERS IN A ROW 41 PTS (20 in the 3Q) ” Now, if that doesn’t get you hyped, I don’t know what will.

With the regular season winding down, the Pelicans are in a pretty solid spot, ranking fifth in the Western Conference standings. They’re just a hair behind the No. 4-seeded Clippers and have a slight edge over the Mavericks and Suns. Speaking of the Suns, the Pelicans have a couple more showdowns with them on the horizon.

Next up, the Pelicans are Miami-bound this Friday. Should be a good one.

James Shotwell
James Shotwell
James, a dedicated writer for BasketballHour, holds a degree in English and Creative Writing. A genuine sports enthusiast and skilled betting advice provider, he writes engaging articles and valuable winning strategies for sports.

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