Clippers Aim to Retain Paul George, Respect Opt-Out Decision

The Clippers are eager to keep Paul George in Los Angeles, but it’s ultimately his decision as Saturday’s deadline for his $48.8 million player option approaches.

Clippers’ Efforts to Retain Paul George:

Lawrence Frank, the team’s president of basketball operations, emphasized that they’re doing everything possible to strike a deal with Paul and his agent, Aaron Mintz. The Clippers can offer him a four-year extension worth up to $221 million, but no agreement has been reached after months of talks.

Potential Move to the Warriors:

Rumors are swirling that Paul might join the Warriors, who reportedly have serious interest in adding him alongside Steph Curry and Draymond Green. If he doesn’t extend before tomorrow’s deadline, he could become a free agent or opt into his final contract year and explore trade options.

Staying Close to Home:

Despite these rumors, the Clippers hope Paul will stay because he grew up nearby in Palmdale. They’ve already secured Kawhi Leonard with a three-year extension worth $150 million earlier this year. “We love Paul,” Frank said during the 2024 NBA Draft’s second round. “We very much want to retain Paul… He’s earned it and we’ll see how things play out.”

Fans really hope he stays!

James Harden’s Situation:

Frank is also working on keeping James Harden on the team. He mentioned having productive talks with Harden and his agents about next season’s terms. “We think James has been terrific for us,” Frank stated. “We very much want James to remain a Clipper.”

Challenges Under New CBA:

Negotiations aren’t easy due to new collective bargaining agreement restrictions affecting tax-paying teams like the Clippers. Frank admitted it’s challenging: “This is a business… With [owner] Steve Ballmer, it would be carte blanche if there was no CBA.” The new rules make building a sustainable roster tough while maintaining transactional flexibility.

So many hard decisions lie ahead for the Clippers as they navigate these complex negotiations!

James Shotwell
James Shotwell
James, a dedicated writer for BasketballHour, holds a degree in English and Creative Writing. A genuine sports enthusiast and skilled betting advice provider, he writes engaging articles and valuable winning strategies for sports.

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