Ex-NBA Referee Calls Chris Paul Difficult

As the playoffs progress, every detail matters more, and players, coaches, and referees face tougher scrutiny. Mistakes lead to louder complaints, especially about officials like Scott Foster.

Scott Foster vs. Chris Paul

Foster has had many clashes with athletes over the years, notably with Chris Paul. Former NBA ref Bill Spooner recently defended Foster and blamed Paul for their disputes.

“I’m going to tell you, and I know you are recording me,” Spooner said. “But in my 32 years in the league, Chris Paul was one of the biggest a**holes I ever dealt with.” He added that people often think other players might be worse but insists Paul tops his list.


Chris Paul was Heated after Scott Foster ejected him

— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports)

Paul is known for his surprises on and off the court. Even at 39, he accepted a trade to Golden State—a team he once fiercely competed against. Now one of the oldest players in the NBA, he’s thinking about life after basketball.

In a talk with Forbes, Paul shared his dream of owning an NBA team someday but still wants to play as long as possible. He mentioned wanting to be involved with his hometown club Charlotte if there’s an opportunity for expansion.

We all have dreams that seem far away sometimes.

Paul feels ready for ownership because of his deep understanding of various aspects of the game—from player relations to management roles—gained through years in the league.

Tim Donaghy’s Hope for Reconciliation

Before Tim Donaghy’s arrest in 2007 for a gambling scandal that rocked the NBA, he was close friends with Scott Foster; they even became godfathers to each other’s sons. However, they haven’t spoken since Donaghy’s suspension over 15 years ago.


Donaghy hopes they can reconcile once Foster retires from officiating. "I’m hoping at some point when Scott steps away," he said. "Maybe we can talk and rebuild our friendship."

Reflecting on their past communication habits during the investigation into Donaghy’s actions in 2007, Foster noted how different things were back then without modern texting options: “Today when people hear anybody called someone 134 times… it’s like ‘Wow! That’s weird.’ Because it is weird.”

Sometimes old friendships are hard to mend but worth trying anyway.

James Shotwell
James Shotwell
James, a dedicated writer for BasketballHour, holds a degree in English and Creative Writing. A genuine sports enthusiast and skilled betting advice provider, he writes engaging articles and valuable winning strategies for sports.

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