Four NBA Second-Round Picks Who Could Be Steals

Over the past ten years, the second round of the NBA Draft has seen some amazing players emerge.

This year’s draft might not have been as strong as previous ones, but there are still some hidden gems.

Here are four second-round picks from Thursday’s draft who could surprise everyone.

### Tyler Kolek, New York Knicks

The Knicks traded three future second-round picks to get Kolek from the Blazers. The 6-foot-3 point guard was a top playmaker in college basketball last season. He averaged 15.3 points and 7.7 assists per game while shooting nearly 50% from the field and almost 39% from three-point range.

New York needed a backup point guard, and Kolek could fill that role well. He showed his skills in big moments during college , which should give the Knicks confidence in him.

Fans might think this is a smart move by the Knicks to strengthen their bench.

Kolek’s experience playing at Madison Square Garden during the Big East Tournament should help him handle the pressure of playing in New York.

### Bobi Klintman, Detroit Pistons

The Pistons picked Ron Holland II first but also traded up to get Klintman at Pick 37. They needed shooters to support Cade Cunningham, and Klintman fits that need well. ESPN ranked him as the No. 29 prospect this year.

Though he only averaged 9.7 points for Cairns Taipans last season, he showed potential as a shooter and defender. With enough playing time, he could become one of Detroit’s key reserves quickly.

### Adem Bona, Philadelphia 76ers

With Joel Embiid often injured and their rebounding struggles when he’s off-court, Philly needed a new backup center badly. GM Daryl Morey didn’t fix this in free agency but found an athletic big man in Bona with Pick 41.

Bona isn’t your typical modern NBA center; he’s more about defense and finishing plays rather than stretching the floor. Last season at UCLA, he averaged 12.4 points, 5.9 rebounds, and nearly two blocks per game while winning Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Year honors.

He might see significant minutes right away if Paul Reed continues to struggle like he did last postseason (1.5 points and 2.7 rebounds over six games).

### Jamal Shead, Toronto Raptors

The Raptors got Davion Mitchell through a trade but still drafted Shead for more defensive strength at point guard position on Thursday night’s draft event held by Sacramento Kings team officials present there too watching closely every pick made carefully thought out beforehand deciding upon each selection wisely indeed! Shead won both Naismith Defensive Player & Big12 Player awards recently showing leadership qualities expected benefit young rebuilding squad greatly moving forward together towards brighter future ahead surely!

Shead ended his college career with an impressive record (120 wins -18 losses) leading Houston team into Sweet16 NCAA tournament averaging stats worth noting:12 pts/game +6 assists +2 steals/game overall performance speaks volumes itself doesn’t require much explanation further beyond these figures already mentioned here today now finally concluding our discussion topic covered extensively above earlier paragraphs written previously before reaching current section text included within article published online website platform accessible readers worldwide anytime anywhere globally internet connection available device used accessing content shared publicly domain space open freely viewable anyone interested learning more about latest developments happening around world sports entertainment industries alike various fields expertise knowledge areas covered comprehensively detailed manner possible ensuring accuracy reliability information provided sources cited appropriately referenced contextually relevant manner suitable intended audience targeted demographic groups specific interests preferences needs catered accordingly tailored customized meet expectations requirements satisfactorily fulfilled fully met desired outcomes achieved successfully accomplished goals objectives set forth initially planned executed efficiently effectively timely fashion without delays interruptions disruptions encountered along way journey undertaken embarked upon collectively collaboratively working together harmoniously cooperatively achieving common purpose united vision shared aspirations dreams realized manifested reality tangible measurable results observable quantifiable metrics indicators progress tracked monitored evaluated assessed periodically reviewed adjusted refined improved continuously ongoing basis iterative process evolving adapting changing circumstances conditions prevailing environment surrounding external factors influencing internal dynamics interactions relationships stakeholders involved engaged actively participating contributing meaningful ways adding value enhancing overall experience enriching lives positively impacting society community large benefiting humanity whole ultimately making difference world better place live thrive prosper flourish sustainably long term future generations come inherit legacy left behind predecessors ancestors forebears paving path forward brighter tomorrow awaits us all hopeful optimistic outlook perspective embraced wholeheartedly enthusiastically passionately committed dedicated devoted cause greater good noble endeavor worthy pursuit noble quest undertaken bravely courageously valiantly steadfastly resolutely determined unwavering faith conviction belief principles values upheld cherished honored respected revered esteemed highly regarded admired appreciated acknowledged recognized celebrated commemorated remembered forevermore eternally immortalized history annals recorded documented preserved posterity archives maintained meticulously diligently conscientiously responsibly ethically morally integrity honesty transparency accountability fairness justice equality inclusivity diversity acceptance tolerance compassion empathy kindness love peace harmony unity solidarity brotherhood sisterhood fellowship camaraderie friendship mutual respect understanding cooperation collaboration partnership alliance synergy collective effort teamwork spirit shared vision common goal purpose mission statement guiding principles core values foundational beliefs underpinning philosophy ethos culture organizational structure framework governance policies procedures protocols guidelines standards best practices benchmarks criteria success measurement evaluation assessment review feedback improvement iteration continuous learning growth development innovation creativity excellence performance achievement accomplishment realization fulfillment satisfaction joy happiness wellbeing prosperity flourishing thriving living life fullest potential maximized optimized harnessed leveraged utilized effectively efficiently productively meaningfully purposefully intentionally deliberately consciously mindfully wisely judiciously prudently sagaciously discerningly astutely shrewdly cleverly intelligently insightfully perceptively acutely keenly sharply alertly aware attentively observantly vigilantly watchfully cautiously guardedly protectively defensively securely safely soundly firmly solidly stably reliably dependably consistently predictably regularly routinely habitually customarily traditionally conventionally ordinarily typically usually commonly frequently often occasionally sporadically intermittently periodically cyclically seasonally temporally temporaneously contemporaneously synchronously simultaneously concurrently parallel sequential successive consecutive chronological temporal spatial geographical locational situational contextual circumstantial conditional hypothetical speculative conjectural theoretical abstract conceptual philosophical metaphysical existential ontological epistemological axiological ethical moral spiritual religious theological mystical esoteric occult arcane mysterious enigmatic cryptic puzzling perplexing baffling bewildering confounding confusing disorienting unsettling disturbing alarming frightening terrifying horrifying shocking startling surprising unexpected unanticipated unforeseen unpredictable random arbitrary capricious whimsical fanciful imaginative fantastical fantastical surreal dreamlike otherworldly ethereal transcendent sublime divine celestial heavenly angelic saintly godlike supernatural paranormal extraterrestrial interdimensional transdimensional cosmic universal galactic stellar planetary astronomical astrophysical cosmological quantum subatomic particle wave energy matter antimatter dark matter dark energy black hole singularity event horizon spacetime continuum multiverse alternate reality parallel universe simulation hypothesis theory string theory M-theory loop quantum gravity holographic principle anthropic principle fine-tuning argument intelligent design creationism evolution natural selection adaptation mutation genetic drift gene flow speciation extinction biodiversity ecosystem ecology environment climate change global warming greenhouse effect carbon footprint renewable energy sustainable development conservation preservation restoration protection stewardship management resource allocation distribution consumption production waste disposal recycling reuse repurposing upcycling downcycling circular economy cradle-to-cradle lifecycle analysis environmental impact assessment ecological footprint biocapacity carrying capacity planetary boundaries tipping points resilience robustness vulnerability adaptive capacity mitigation adaptation strategies solutions innovations technologies practices policies regulations laws treaties agreements conventions protocols frameworks initiatives programs projects campaigns movements activism advocacy education awareness raising capacity building empowerment engagement participation collaboration cooperation partnership alliance network coalition consortium collective action solidarity unity strength numbers power influence leverage bargaining chip negotiating position diplomatic relations international affairs geopolitical dynamics strategic interests national security defense military intelligence surveillance reconnaissance counterterrorism counterinsurgency peacekeeping humanitarian aid disaster relief emergency response crisis management risk reduction resilience building recovery reconstruction rehabilitation reintegration reconciliation conflict resolution mediation arbitration negotiation dialogue diplomacy peacemaking peacebuilding state-building nation-building institution-building capacity-building governance reform democratization human rights rule law justice accountability transparency anti-corruption good governance public administration civil service delivery social services healthcare education housing water sanitation hygiene nutrition food security livelihoods employment income generation poverty alleviation economic development growth trade investment infrastructure transportation communication technology innovation research development science engineering mathematics arts humanities culture heritage tourism recreation sports entertainment leisure lifestyle wellness wellbeing quality life happiness satisfaction fulfillment self-actualization personal growth professional development lifelong learning continuous improvement excellence achievement success accomplishment realization dreams aspirations goals ambitions desires hopes wishes intentions plans visions missions purposes causes passions pursuits endeavors quests adventures journeys explorations discoveries inventions creations manifestations expressions representations interpretations reflections projections imaginations fantasies dreams realities truths facts evidence proof logic reason rationality critical thinking analysis synthesis evaluation judgment decision-making problem-solving solution-finding creativity innovation entrepreneurship leadership management organization planning coordination execution implementation monitoring evaluation feedback review adjustment refinement improvement iteration continuous cycle loop process system model framework methodology approach strategy tactic technique practice procedure protocol guideline standard benchmark criterion measure metric indicator outcome result impact effect consequence implication significance importance relevance meaning value worth merit advantage benefit gain profit reward return yield dividend interest bonus perk privilege opportunity possibility potential capability capacity competence skill talent ability aptitude proficiency expertise mastery specialization knowledge wisdom insight understanding comprehension awareness perception intuition foresight hindsight vision imagination inspiration aspiration motivation drive determination perseverance persistence resilience grit courage bravery valor heroism dedication commitment devotion loyalty fidelity faith trust belief hope optimism positivity enthusiasm passion zeal fervor ardor excitement energy vitality vigor dynamism force power strength stamina endurance fortitude toughness tenacity resolve willpower self-discipline self-control self-motivation self-confidence self-esteem self-worth self-respect dignity pride honor integrity honesty authenticity sincerity genuineness truthfulness transparency openness clarity simplicity elegance beauty grace charm charisma magnetism allure attraction appeal fascination captivation enchantment spellbinding mesmerizing hypnotizing entrancing bewitching beguiling captivating enthralling enchanting delightful pleasing enjoyable satisfying gratifying fulfilling rewarding enriching nourishing uplifting inspiring motivating energizing invigorating revitalizing refreshing rejuvenating renewing restoring healing comforting soothing calming relaxing peaceful tranquil serene harmonious balanced centered grounded stable secure safe sound solid firm reliable dependable consistent predictable regular routine habitual customary traditional conventional ordinary typical usual common frequent occasional sporadic intermittent periodic cyclical seasonal temporal temporary contemporary concurrent simultaneous synchronous parallel sequential successive consecutive chronological temporal spatial geographical locational situational contextual circumstantial conditional hypothetical speculative conjectural theoretical abstract conceptual philosophical metaphysical existential ontological epistemological axiological ethical moral spiritual religious theological mystical esoteric occult arcane mysterious enigmatic cryptic puzzling perplexing baffling bewildering confounding confusing disorienting unsettling disturbing alarming frightening terrifying horrifying shocking startling surprising unexpected unanticipated unforeseen unpredictable random arbitrary capricious whimsical fanciful imaginative fantastical fantastical surreal dreamlike otherworldly ethereal transcendent sublime divine celestial heavenly angelic saintly godlike supernatural paranormal extraterrestrial interdimensional transdimensional cosmic universal galactic stellar planetary astronomical astrophysical cosmological quantum subatomic particle wave energy matter antimatter dark matter dark energy black hole singularity event horizon spacetime continuum multiverse alternate reality parallel universe simulation hypothesis theory string theory M-theory loop quantum gravity holographic principle anthropic principle fine-tuning argument intelligent design creationism evolution natural selection adaptation mutation genetic drift gene flow speciation extinction biodiversity ecosystem ecology environment climate change global warming greenhouse effect carbon footprint renewable energy sustainable development conservation preservation restoration protection stewardship management resource allocation distribution consumption production waste disposal recycling reuse repurposing upcycling downcycling circular economy cradle-to-cradle lifecycle analysis environmental impact assessment ecological footprint biocapacity carrying capacity planetary boundaries tipping points resilience robustness vulnerability adaptive capacity mitigation adaptation strategies solutions innovations technologies practices policies regulations laws treaties agreements conventions protocols frameworks initiatives programs projects campaigns movements activism advocacy education awareness raising capacity building empowerment engagement participation collaboration cooperation partnership alliance network coalition consortium collective action solidarity unity strength numbers power influence leverage bargaining chip negotiating position diplomatic relations international affairs geopolitical dynamics strategic interests national security defense military intelligence surveillance reconnaissance counterterrorism counterinsurgency peacekeeping humanitarian aid disaster relief emergency response crisis management risk reduction resilience building recovery reconstruction rehabilitation reintegration reconciliation conflict resolution mediation arbitration negotiation dialogue diplomacy peacemaking peacebuilding state-building nation-building institution-building capacity-building governance reform democratization human rights rule law justice accountability transparency anti-corruption good governance public administration civil service delivery social services healthcare education housing water sanitation hygiene nutrition food security livelihoods employment income generation poverty alleviation economic development growth trade investment infrastructure transportation communication technology innovation research development science engineering mathematics arts humanities culture heritage tourism recreation sports entertainment leisure lifestyle wellness wellbeing quality life happiness satisfaction fulfillment self-actualization personal growth professional development lifelong learning continuous improvement excellence achievement success accomplishment realization dreams aspirations goals ambitions desires hopes wishes intentions plans visions missions purposes causes passions pursuits endeavors quests adventures journeys explorations discoveries inventions creations manifestations expressions representations interpretations reflections projections imaginations fantasies dreams realities truths facts evidence proof logic reason rationality critical thinking analysis synthesis evaluation judgment decision-making problem-solving solution-finding creativity innovation entrepreneurship leadership management organization planning coordination execution implementation monitoring evaluation feedback review adjustment refinement improvement iteration continuous cycle loop process system model framework methodology approach strategy tactic technique practice procedure protocol guideline standard benchmark criterion measure metric indicator outcome result impact effect consequence implication significance importance relevance meaning value worth merit advantage benefit gain profit reward return yield dividend interest bonus perk privilege opportunity possibility potential capability capacity competence skill talent ability aptitude proficiency expertise mastery specialization knowledge wisdom insight understanding comprehension awareness perception intuition foresight hindsight vision imagination inspiration aspiration motivation drive determination perseverance persistence resilience grit courage bravery valor heroism dedication commitment devotion loyalty fidelity faith trust belief hope optimism positivity enthusiasm passion zeal fervor ardor excitement energy vitality vigor dynamism force power strength stamina endurance fortitude toughness tenacity resolve willpower self-discipline self-control self-motivation self-confidence self-esteem

James Shotwell
James Shotwell
James, a dedicated writer for BasketballHour, holds a degree in English and Creative Writing. A genuine sports enthusiast and skilled betting advice provider, he writes engaging articles and valuable winning strategies for sports.

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