Jaylen Brown Seeks Celtics Nation’s Support for Game 2

a basketball game is being played in a large arena
Photo by David Vives

Ever since Jaylen Brown joined the Celtics, he’s been determined to defend Boston with everything he’s got.

Rallying the Fans

With his first NBA championship in sight, Jaylen is calling on all Celtics fans to support their team in the Finals against the Mavericks. He was a standout player in Game 1 alongside Kristaps Porzingis and feels confident enough to rally both fans and teammates for the second game.

Last Thursday’s crowd was loud, but Jaylen believes they can be even louder. “Sunday, we are going to need our fans to be hyped,” he said on Saturday. “It’s not just team versus team. It’s crowd versus crowd. It’s gas station versus gas station. Supermarket versus supermarket. It’s the whole city versus the whole city. We need everybody.”

“We need everybody.”

On draft night, Jaylen declared he was ready to fight for Boston.

Now, with a title close at hand, he’s urging everyone in Boston to stand behind him and his teammates.

Home-Court Advantage

Jaylen knows that having a roaring audience is key to winning at home, and Boston’s crowd is one of the loudest out there.

Kristaps Porzingis felt this energy during his return from a knee injury in Game 1. The crowd’s excitement pushed him to perform better than ever before. “It was insane,” he said after scoring 11 points in six minutes. “Walking through that tunnel felt like a WWE entrance.”

Even with this energy boost from fans, Jaylen thinks they can do more: “I thought the [Game 1] crowd was good,” he said, “but I think we can be even louder.”

I think it’s amazing how much players feed off fan energy.

Jason Kidd’s Comments

Before Game 2, Jason Kidd stirred up some drama by saying Jayson Tatum isn’t Boston’s best player but rather JB is their top star.

When asked about it later, both Brown and Tatum brushed off Kidd’s comments without engaging in any mind games.

“I don’t have no reaction,” Jaylen stated plainly while Tatum added: “This is a team sport… We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t have JB on our team… People try to drive a wedge between us.”

Tatum noted that opponents have tried dividing them for years now: “We’ve been through this many times where people say one of us should be traded or one is better than another.”

James Shotwell
James Shotwell
James, a dedicated writer for BasketballHour, holds a degree in English and Creative Writing. A genuine sports enthusiast and skilled betting advice provider, he writes engaging articles and valuable winning strategies for sports.

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