JJ Redick Leaves Podcasting for Lakers Job

JJ Redick is now the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers.

He announced on Monday that he’s stepping away from podcasting to focus on coaching. “ThreeFourTwo is alive and well,” Redick shared on X. “ThreeFourTwo will continue to operate. I’m going to have no involvement. My entire focus, right now, is on coaching the Los Angeles Lakers and making them the best possible team they can be.”

“Everything we have done has been based upon a foundation of a love of the game of basketball, and going forward, everything that @ThreeFourTwopro will do without me will be based on that love of the game of basketball.” Here’s @jj_redick’s final send off. pic.twitter.com/5CqzDQhJQ8 — TheOldMan&TheThree (@OldManAndThree) July 8, 2024

Redick has been a familiar face in media since retiring as a player. His podcast “The Old Man and the Three with JJ Redick and Tommy Alter” became very popular among NBA fans. More recently, he started another podcast called “Mind The Game” with LeBron James.

Redick’s New Focus:

Instead of talking into microphones or promoting on social media, Redick will now be drawing up plays and thinking about who to sub in during games. Coaching the Lakers is one of the toughest jobs in basketball because everyone watches their every move from day one. Stepping away from his podcasts seems like a smart move; it keeps him out of extra drama when things get tough for the team.

Fans might think this change shows how serious he is about coaching.

Luckily for him, FourThreeTwo will keep running even though he’s not involved anymore. If things don’t go well with coaching, he could always return to broadcasting—ESPN would probably welcome him back quickly since he was already doing great there before deciding to coach.

For now, Redick needs to give all his attention to making sure the Lakers succeed. The team took a big risk by hiring him as head coach, so many people are eager to see how it turns out.

What do you think about JJ Redick becoming a full-time coach?

James Shotwell
James Shotwell
James, a dedicated writer for BasketballHour, holds a degree in English and Creative Writing. A genuine sports enthusiast and skilled betting advice provider, he writes engaging articles and valuable winning strategies for sports.

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