John Henson Announces NBA Retirement

John Henson is hanging up his sneakers and stepping into the broadcasting booth.

Henson Calls It a Career

So, John Henson, the former NBA center, has officially retired. He spilled the beans to Spencer Davies from in a phone chat, saying he’s done with playing ball and ready to dive into broadcasting. Henson’s been MIA from the NBA since 2020 and has zero interest in making a comeback.

โ€œIโ€™m done bro lol. I was so blessed to play this long,โ€ Henson texted Davies. โ€œItโ€™s a lot of opportunities, man. Itโ€™s just a matter of one step at a time. โ€ฆ I have time to explore and figure out what I want to do next. This is just the next phase, and weโ€™ll see where it takes me. But so far, so good.โ€

From Bucks to Broadcasts

Henson’s NBA journey started when the Bucks picked him 14th overall in the 2012 draft. He spent seven seasons with Milwaukee before bouncing around to the Cavs and Pistons. During his career, he played 445 games, racking up averages of 7.6 points, 5.3 rebounds, and 1.1 assists per game. Not too shabby, right?

One of his standout performances was against the Magic in 2013, where he dropped 17 points, grabbed a whopping 25 boards, and swatted away seven shots. And who could forget his career-high 28 points in a win against the Thunder? Dude was a beast on the court when he was healthy.

Media Over Coaching

After dealing with wrist and hamstring injuries that slowed him down, Henson decided to pass on coaching offers. He turned down gigs with the G League Ignite and the Capital City Go-Go. Instead, he’s been eyeing media roles. I think it’s a smart moveโ€”he’s got the charisma for it.

โ€œI couldโ€™ve fought. I couldโ€™ve went the G League route and tried to work my way back, but Iโ€™ve always just been a guy that basketballโ€™s never life or death for me or my life,โ€ Henson said.

He’ll be doing color commentary for ACC games and analyzing on SiriusXMโ€™s ACC Today program. Plus, he’s already got some experience from his time on MSG Networkโ€™s โ€œThe Bettor Half Hour.โ€

What’s Next for Henson?

Henson’s got a bright future ahead in sports media. He’s excited about the new opportunities and ready to tackle them head-on. Itโ€™s like he said, โ€œJust like basketball, youโ€™ve got to work hard, stay down, be prepared and meet the right people.โ€ Sounds like he’s got the right mindset.

So, what do you think? Will Henson make a splash in the broadcasting world, or will he miss the thrill of the game too much? Drop your thoughts below!

James Shotwell
James Shotwell
James, a dedicated writer for BasketballHour, holds a degree in English and Creative Writing. A genuine sports enthusiast and skilled betting advice provider, he writes engaging articles and valuable winning strategies for sports.

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