NBA Insider Shams Charania Reveals 18-Hour Work Routine for Millionaire Success

‣ Shams Charania is a role model for modern sports journalism, having built his career through hard work and dedication.
‣ Charania spends about 18 hours a day on his phone, sending out hundreds of texts, calls, and emails in order to obtain and break news in the NBA.
‣ Charania and Adrian Wojnarowski are considered to have the only true rivalry in NBA journalism, and are believed to assist in tampering with player contracts for their sources.


Shams Charania has made a name for himself in the world of sports journalism, particularly in the NBA. Born and raised in northern Chicago, he started his career by writing about basketball for local news media and has never looked back. His dedication to his craft is evident in his work ethic.

In an interview, Shams revealed just how seriously he takes his job. He estimates that he sends out about 500 texts, calls, or emails per day and spends around 18 hours a day on his phone, gathering information and breaking news about the NBA. His mind is constantly focused on finding new information and staying ahead of the game.

Despite the demanding nature of his job, Shams understands the importance of taking breaks. He tries to carve out some time for rest, especially towards the end of the summer when the offseason frenzy begins to fade. Even during his “vacations,” he never fully disconnects, keeping his phone nearby just in case.

His dedication to his craft has earned him a reputation among his peers. Shams and Adrian Wojnarowski are often seen as competitors in the realm of NBA journalism, with some even alleging that they engage in tampering to benefit their sources. While Shams acknowledges Wojnarowski as someone he looked up to earlier in his career, he now considers him a media source himself.

Shams Charania’s commitment to his work and relentless pursuit of information have made him a role model for aspiring sports journalists. His dedication to staying connected and his drive to constantly find new information set him apart in a field that is known for its fast pace and ever-changing landscape.

James Shotwell
James Shotwell
James, a dedicated writer for BasketballHour, holds a degree in English and Creative Writing. A genuine sports enthusiast and skilled betting advice provider, he writes engaging articles and valuable winning strategies for sports.

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