Pistons President: No Timeline to Hire Monty Williams’ Replacement

After the Pistons hired Trajan Langdon as their new president of basketball operations, he quickly made a significant decision.

Monty Williams Fired

Last week, veteran coach Monty Williams was let go after just one season in Detroit. The team had a rough year, losing 28 games in a row. Even though the Pistons are trying to rebuild, there’s still a lot of uncertainty about their future. When asked when they would hire a new coach, Langdon said, “I can’t give you a timeline.”

Uncertainties and New Leadership

Beyond Cade Cunningham, many questions remain for Detroit. However, owner Tom Gores believes Langdon is the right person to lead the team to success.

Gores stated last Friday that it was time for a fresh start and that past mistakes were not due to just one person. He emphasized that Trajan would bring this needed change.

Potential Coaching Candidates

Langdon replaced former GM Troy Weaver and previously worked with the New Orleans Pelicans. After firing Monty with five years and $65 million left on his contract, Langdon is considering candidates like J.B. Bickerstaff, Sean Sweeney, Michael Nori, and James Borrego.

Youthful Roster

The new President inherits a very young roster; 11 players are 25 or younger. Gores expressed his desire not only to win but also to develop these young talents after finishing with a disappointing 14-68 record last season.

Fans hope this will finally turn things around!

Cunningham remains the centerpiece of their plans after averaging 22.7 points per game last season. Langdon mentioned using their cap space wisely by bringing in contracts from other teams to gather assets and help young players grow.

No Set Timeline for Playoffs

Langdon has been in Detroit for three weeks but says there’s no set date for when they expect to make it back to the playoffs after over 15 years without winning a playoff series.

During his introduction press conference, Gores explained why he chose Langdon: he admired both his basketball knowledge and leadership skills. Gores has given him full authority over day-to-day operations.

“I’m extremely confident that this partnership with Trajan is going to work,” said Gores as they prepare for significant changes this summer.

James Shotwell
James Shotwell
James, a dedicated writer for BasketballHour, holds a degree in English and Creative Writing. A genuine sports enthusiast and skilled betting advice provider, he writes engaging articles and valuable winning strategies for sports.

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