Rudy Gobert Calls Shaq’s WOAT Remark ‘Sad’

Alright, hoop heads, buckle up! We’ve got some spicy drama brewing between two NBA titans.

Gobert vs. Shaq: The Twitter Takedown

So, Rudy Gobert, the guy with three Defensive Player of the Year awards under his belt, is still flying under the radar for some folks. But when Shaq called him the “worst player of all time,” Rudy had enough. He took to social media and didn’t hold back.

โ€œIt is sad to see someone that has accomplished as much as you did @SHAQ both in sport and business still be triggered by another manโ€™s finances and accomplishments,โ€ Gobert tweeted. He added, โ€œI get the entertainment part but unlike other folks, you donโ€™t need that stuff to stay relevant.โ€

Now, while some say Rudy was “firing back,” I think he was more about setting the record straight without going full scorched earth. Check out the tweet:

Shaq’s Podcast Bombshell

So how did this whole mess start? Shaq was on a podcast with his son, Myles, for Complex’s GOAT Talk. When asked, โ€œWho is the worst NBA player of all time?โ€ Shaq didn’t even blink before saying, โ€œRudy Gobert.โ€ And just to twist the knife, he threw Ben Simmons under the bus too, calling him “another bum.”

Shaq’s beef? He thinks players like Gobert and Simmons don’t deserve those fat contracts. โ€œIf you sign a contract for $250 million, show me that youโ€™re worth $250 million,โ€ Shaq said. โ€œThereโ€™s a reason why I walk funny, why I canโ€™t turn my neck โ€“ itโ€™s because I played hard for my $120 million. Guys like him screw over the system, make all this money, and then canโ€™t play. So, I donโ€™t respect players like that.โ€

In my opinion, Shaq’s got a point about earning your keep, but calling Rudy the worst? That’s a stretch, big fella.

Money Talks, Defense Wins Games

Gobert’s contract with the Timberwolves is a whopping $205 million over five years, all guaranteed. Signed back in December 2020 when he was still with the Jazz, this deal came after he snagged three Defensive Player of the Year awards. And guess what? He bagged another one last season, averaging 2.1 blocks and 9.2 defensive boards per game.

But Shaq’s not buying it. He says, โ€œEvery time I make these comments, people think Iโ€™m hating, but these are facts. Youโ€™ve got teachers, firemen, and doctors who have real jobs and donโ€™t get paid much.โ€ Fair point, but isn’t comparing apples to oranges here?

Shaq’s Legacy and Perspective

Shaq’s opinion carries weightโ€”literally and figuratively. Dominating the court for 20 years across six teams, he’s faced legends like LeBron and MJ. So yeah, he knows a thing or two about what it takes to be great. But does that give him the right to slam Rudy so hard?

So, what do you think? Is Shaq right about Gobert, or is he just stirring the pot for clicks? And more importantly, who do you think is the most overrated player in the NBA today? Drop your thoughts below!

James Shotwell
James Shotwell
James, a dedicated writer for BasketballHour, holds a degree in English and Creative Writing. A genuine sports enthusiast and skilled betting advice provider, he writes engaging articles and valuable winning strategies for sports.

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