Stephen Curry’s Nuit Nuit Hoodie at Olympics: Untold Story

Have you ever thought about how Stephen Curry had his “Nuit Nuit” hoodie ready right after winning the gold medal game against France in the Paris Olympics?

Well, Curry had planned it all along.

He actually got the hoodie made before the Games even started.

In June, designer Mike Fogg was approached by Curry’s team to create this special shirt just as Steph was gearing up for his first Olympics. The hoodie was shipped to Curryโ€™s hotel at the start of the Games. However, no one knew if or when he would wear it. Like his clutch shots, Curry waited for the perfect moment .

Fans might think it’s pretty cool how well-timed everything was.

Fogg mentioned that Curry chose an iconic moment to reveal the hoodie, making it even more memorable. “Steph chose the perfect moment, making it all the more iconic,” Fogg told Cllct. “It really shows how calculated he is.”

Game Day Magic:

Curry unveiled his hoodie after sinking four three-pointers in just under three minutes against France. His signature “night night” celebration sent French fans to bed with broken hearts .

But can fans buy this cool hoodie? Unfortunately not. Fogg said it was a personal project just for Steph at these Games and has been flooded with requests but has to tell everyone it’s a one-of-a-kind item for Curry alone.

Of course, knockoffs are bound to pop up soon enough!

What do you think about Steph’s special hoodie?

James Shotwell
James Shotwell
James, a dedicated writer for BasketballHour, holds a degree in English and Creative Writing. A genuine sports enthusiast and skilled betting advice provider, he writes engaging articles and valuable winning strategies for sports.

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