Warriors Seek Formula to Retain Klay Thompson

Rumors have swirled around Klay Thompson in Golden State this past year as his performance dipped and his contract ended.

Warriors Want to Keep Klay

General Manager Mike Dunleavy Jr. has made it clear: “We want him back.” The team is working hard to find the right deal to keep Klay in the Bay Area. But with many roster decisions looming, it’s not going to be easy for the Warriors to get back into championship form.

Klay’s situation isn’t just about stats or money; it’s also emotional. He’s been a key part of their success over the last decade.

Dunleavy said, “I think being reasonable and rational, that’s always how I’m going to operate but to say about a guy like Klay Thompson, who’s meant so much to this franchise, to completely strip the emotion away from it, I think that’s almost impossible.”

New Rules and Negotiations

With new collective bargaining rules starting last summer, both sides could start negotiating right after the NBA Finals. However, ESPN reports there hasn’t been much communication between them.

In the end, it seems like it’ll be up to Klay whether he stays or tests free agency first. Dunleavy added, “Factoring all of those things in is what’s most important… There are probably varying degrees of what that value is.”

Fans hope he stays with Golden State!

The Chris Paul Dilemma

Klay isn’t the only player whose future is uncertain. The team also has a big decision regarding Chris Paul and his $30 million non-guaranteed salary for next season. They have until Friday to decide whether they will keep him or let him go.

“We’re looking through everything,” Dunleavy said about Paul’s situation. “A lot of options are still on the table… but I’d say everything is open.”

Financial Decisions

This Monday, Golden State confirmed $8 million for Kevin Looney and still has Paul’s non-guaranteed contract on their books. This leaves them with $175 million in salary for next season. Owner Joe Lacob wants to avoid paying luxury tax if possible.

“It’s about being smart about it,” Dunleavy explained on Monday. “The most important thing [to Lacob] is winning… You just have to be careful with the new rules.”

James Shotwell
James Shotwell
James, a dedicated writer for BasketballHour, holds a degree in English and Creative Writing. A genuine sports enthusiast and skilled betting advice provider, he writes engaging articles and valuable winning strategies for sports.

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