Why Michael Jordan’s Eyes Look Yellow Explained by Doctor

Alright, hoop heads, let’s dive into the latest buzz about the GOAT, Michael Jordan. Spoiler: there’s some drama, but also some good news!

MJ’s Eye Drama: What’s Really Going On?

So, MJ showed up at a Champions League match in France, and naturally, the cameras went wild. But it wasn’t just his presence that got people talkingโ€”it was his eyes. Yeah, you heard me right. His eyes looked super yellow, and fans freaked out. Remember how Netflix’s The Last Dance had everyone buzzing about his health? Well, this just added fuel to the fire.

Fans took to social media, and one tweet summed it up: "Damn, is Michael Jordan getting worse? His eyes are looking really yellow " Check it out:

But hold up! A doc on Reddit cleared things up. He said Jordan’s eyes aren’t jaundiced; they’re just "muddy." It’s a normal aging thing, not a health crisis. Another health expert, Robin Pene, backed this up, saying MJ’s eyes are fine as long as he gets them checked now and then. So, chill out, folks.

Jordan’s Mansion Saga: Finally Sold!

In other MJ news, the man finally sold his legendary Chicago mansion after more than a decade on the market. This place is massiveโ€”56,000 square feet, nine bedrooms, 19.5 baths, and all the bells and whistles you’d expect from His Airness.

Originally listed at $29 million back in 2012, the price dropped to $16 million a year later. Now, it’s going for almost $15 million. Talk about a steal! The mansion even has a gate with his iconic No. 23, a cigar room, a full-sized basketball court, and a circular infinity pool. I mean, who wouldn’t want to live there?

But here’s the kicker: the property tax bill is insaneโ€”$137,208 for 2023. Whoever buys this beast better be ready for that hit to their wallet.

The Public’s Obsession With MJ

It’s no secret that MJ tries to stay out of the limelight. But every time he makes a rare appearance, fans go nuts. In my opinion, people need to chill a bit. Sure, he’s the greatest of all time, but he’s also human. The guy can’t even watch a soccer game without everyone dissecting his health.

Speaking of trades, did you catch that wild Curry rumor? Anyway, back to MJ. The way fans react to every little thing he does is just another example of how much he means to the game and the culture. It’s both a blessing and a curse, I guess.

So, what do you think? Is MJ’s health a real concern, or are fans just overreacting? And who’s brave (or rich) enough to take on that mansion’s property tax bill? Let’s hear your thoughts!

James Shotwell
James Shotwell
James, a dedicated writer for BasketballHour, holds a degree in English and Creative Writing. A genuine sports enthusiast and skilled betting advice provider, he writes engaging articles and valuable winning strategies for sports.

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